Este story time es porque haciendo el video de la leche de almendras me di de cuenta la diferencia que es estar sin mama, sin esa persona de confianza. Y es que cuando tuve a mi pequena 14 anos atras viviamos con papa, mama y hermano, luego mi mama tuvo a mi hermana y bueno eramos todos en una casa. Y mi mama es mi persona de confianza a la quien le puedo confiar mi vida y para entonces su ayuda fue tremenda para criar a la peque y mas porque yo aun era una adolescente, todo lo que dijera mi mama era amen, pues para mi ella es de la experiencia y sabiduria para criarnos.
Pero pasa el tiempo y me caso y me mudo lejos de ella y desde el primer momento recuerdo que supe que estaba embarazada me hice una sopa, no porque tenia antojos, si no porque sabia que la sopa es como mama dice lo que alimenta, todas las vitaminas y todo lo bueno que te dan los vegetales estan en la sopa y era lo que yo pensaba que habria hecho mi mama por mi.
Y asi pasaron muchos momentos en el embarazo que pensaba que haria mi mama en este momento o la llamaba y le preguntaba, que debia comer y hablabamos de cuando el bebe estuviera aqui lo que debia y no debia hacer, y ahi es donde quiero llegar, ella es mi mama y aun lo que diga es amen para mi, pero el estar por aqui apartada de ella, viviendo lejos, me entro el pensamiento de que aun asi ella estuviera a una llamada de distancia yo debia prepararme, leer, estudiar, indagar como seria criar a un bebe.
Y leyendo y preparandome me encuentro cosas que habia escuchado por anos y creido por anos era mitos que pasaban de generacion en generacion, y me daba cuenta que este descubrimiento solo pudo haber sido porque bueno no estaba rodeada por personas que arrastran esas creencias, y que no esta mal es solo que como todo evoluciona pues uno deberia evolucionar con el tiempo tambien.
Entonces habian cosas tan sencillas como que yo creia en el sr sereno, que el bebe no debia salir despues de las 6 pm y que no debiamos recibir visitas despues de esa hora y conversando con mi esposo sobre eso el no tenia ni idea, y despues de leer me doy cuenta que el sr sereno no es mas que la humedad del ambiente y donde vivo ahora la humedad y el clima cambian constantemente entonces el sr sereno no se habia mudado con nosotros, y asi muchas muchas cosas.
Cuando el bebe nace, la responsabilidad, el trabajo, los trasnochos, y todo lo que conlleva un bebe estaba dividido entre mi esposo y yo, el bebe solo nos tenia a nosotros, y yo lo veia como una responsabilidad enorme mantener a este bebe con vida.
Al pasar del tiempo y en todos lados siempre te vas a conseguir con muchas muchas opiniones de la gente y pasados los 10 meses que tiene mi bebe me doy cuenta que el mejor consejo que le puedo dar a una mama o futura mama es que crea en su instinto y en lo mas conveniente para tu bebe, porque si, los bebes son muy diferentes pero hay factores comunes.
A mi me ayudo mucho saber sobre los picos de crecimientos porque son momentos tan estresantes, tan desesperantes que solo pides un momento de paz y es imposible porque los bebes lloran y quieren estrar contigo todo el tiempo y es una fase por la que el bebe tiene que pasar.
Otra cosa tambien era creer en mi, porque era facil dejarse llevar por lo que todo el mundo tenia que decir, y al final de cuentas eres tu con tu bebe, nadie mas, solo nosotros sabiamos por lo que estaba pasando el bebe, claro aun asi siempre acudiamos a nuestras madres pero con ellas habia el respeto y la confianza de decir: si esto me funciona o no esto no nos parece.
Siempre hay opiniones a favor y en contra de todo, desde como quieres alimentar a tu bebe o si quieres dormir con el o no en la cama, siempre siempre hay dos opiniones encontradas y lo mejor que hice fue creer que estamos haciendo lo mejor por nuestro bebe y adaptandonos a como el.
Y de opioniones encontradas puedo decir algunas: La leche de tu bebe no alimenta despues de los 6 meses, pues esta confirmado cientificamente que si lo es.
No comas caraotas porque a tu bebe le da gases, pues la leche viene de las glandulas mamarias no de tu estomago, si, hay cosas que pasan a travez de tu leche pero son contadas y viajan por la sangre.
El pupu verde es mal de ojo (mi favorito) pues no, el pupu verde puede indicar otra cosa depende de como lo estas alimentando. Y eso por nombrar algunas.
Yo hablo desde mi experiencia y siempre siempre aconsejo que consulten y si algo no les parece vuelvan a consultar porque todos los bebes no son iguales y siempre hay metodos y maneras diferente, alguna se va adaptar a tu bebe.
Para resumir, todo lo que aprendi para criar a mi bebe creo que no hubiese sido posible bajo otras circuntancias, pero esto es lo que nos toco, bastante duro pero una sonrisa de el, saber que esta sano es nuestra mayor recompenza, no hay mala manera o buena manera de hacer las cosas simplemente adaptarse y aprender a conocer a tu bebe.
Se que muchas mamis estan lejos de sus mami criando a sus bebes, para ustedes estas palabras: Tu puedes, y lo estas haciendo bien. Tu recompenza sera un beb@ sano y fuerte.
Si llegaste hasta aqui, Muchas Gracias por leer
I made this story time because I was making the video of the almond milk and I realized the difference it is to be without a mother, without that trustworthy person. And the thing is that when I had my little girl 14 years ago we lived with my dad, mom and brother, then my mom had my younger sister and well we were all in one house. My mom is my trusted person to whom I can trust my life and by then her help was tremendous to raise the little one and even more helpful because I was still a teenager, everything my mom said was amen, because for me she had the experience and wisdom to raise us.
But time passes, I get married and move away from her, I remember that when i found out I was pregnant the fist thing i did was to make myself some soup, not because I had cravings, but because I knew that the soup was as good as my mama said, all the vitamins and all the good that the vegetables give you are in the soup and it was what I thought my mother would have done for me.
And so many memories passed in my pregnancy that I thought my mother would of done this and i tried calling her or asking about things i didn't know, like what should I eat? or what the baby should or dhould not do, and that's where I want to go. She is my mother and even if what she says is amen to me, not being close to her and living far away, I started to think that even if she was there for me, I had to prepare, read, study, and inquire information on how to raise the baby.
Reading and preparing I found out things that I had heard for years and believed for years were myths that passed from generation to generation, and I realized that this discovery could only have been because, well, I was not surrounded by people who carry those beliefs, and that It's not bad, it's just that as everything evolves, one should evolve over time too.
So simple hings that i believed, for example: in Mr. Sereno, that the baby should not go outside after 6 pm and that we should not receive visits after that time. As I was talking to my husband about it he had no idea, and after a lot of researching I realized that Mr. Sereno is nothing more than the humidity of the environment and where I live now the humidity and the climate are constantly changing so Mr. Sereno had not moved with us, and so many many things.
When the baby was born, the responsibility, the work, the long nights, and everything that a baby entails was divided between my husband and me, the baby only had us two, and I saw it as a huge responsibility to keep up with this new lifestyle.
As time goes by and I was accepting most of other different opinions from different people when my baby tuned 10 months old, I realized that the best advice I can give to a mother or future mother is to believe in their instinct and what is most convenient for your baby, because, all babies are very different but there are some common factors.
It helps me a lot to know about the growth peaks because they are such stressful moments, so desperate that you only ask for a moment of peace and quite even though it is impossible because babies cry very often and they usually want to be with their mom all the time and it is an stressful phase every mom has to go through.
Another thing was also to believe in myself, because it was easy to get carried away by what everyone had to say and their opinions, but in the end it is you with your baby, nobody else, only we know what the baby was going through, of course. That is why we always go to our mothers because with them there is the respect and confidence to say: if this works for or not for us, a mother is always there for you.
There are always opinions for and against everything, from how you want to feed your baby or if you want to sleep with him or not in bed, there are always two conflicting opinions and the best thing I did was to believe that we are doing the best for the adaption of our baby.
And of mixed opinions I can say some: Your baby's milk does not feed after 6 months, because it is scientifically confirmed that it is. Do not eat beans because it gives your baby gasses, breatmilk comes from the mammary glands not from your stomach, although, there are things that happen through your milk but they are counted and travel through the blood.
Green poop is evil eye (my favorite) because, the green poop can indicate something else depends on how you are feeding it. And that to name a few.
I speak from my experience and I always always advise you to consult and if something doesn't seem right to you, consult again because all babies are not the same and there are always different methods and ways, some will adapt to your baby.
To summarize, everything I learned to raise my baby I think would not have been possible under other circumstances, but this is what touched us, quite hard but a smile from him, knowing that he is healthy is our greatest reward, there is no bad way or good way of doing things simply adapt and learn to know your baby.
I know that many moms are away from their mom raising their babies, this is for you: You can do this and you're doing well. Your reward is a healthy baby.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading :)