Opciones para que acompanes este delicioso lava cake puede ser un buen helado de vainilla o tambien puedes acompanarlo con fresas o frutos rojos.
Video https://www.instagram.com/tv/B8g2epjlUUI/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
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Sorprende al amor de tu vida manana si eres de los que demuestra amor horneando.
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8 cucharadas de mantequilla sin sal ablandada (1 barra)
1 taza de chips de chocolate amargo dulce (8 onzas) o chips de chocolate semidulce para obtener resultados más dulces (uso Ghirardelli)
1 taza de azúcar en polvo de confitería: ajustar al gusto
2 huevos
2 yemas de huevo
½ cucharadita de extracto de vainilla (opcional)
4 cucharadas de harina para todo uso
Derrita la mantequilla y las chispas de chocolate en un baño de agua o en el microondas en incrementos de 30 segundos. Tarda alrededor de 1 minuto o unos segundos más, dependiendo de la cantidad que esté usando. Usando un batidor, mezcle bien hasta que quede suave.
Tamizar el azúcar glas y mezclar nuevamente. Agregue los huevos, la vainilla y mezcle nuevamente.
Tamizar la harina y batir hasta que todo se incorpore.
Con una cuchara de helado, divida la masa en moldes engrasados (o moldes de silicona para magdalenas), dejando un espacio de 1/4 de pulgada desde la parte superior.
Cocine los pasteles de lava en el Isntant Pot o horno:
Método Instant Pot:
Ponga 1 taza de agua en la olla interior de la olla instantánea (2 tazas por 8 qt) y coloque un salvamanteles con asas. Coloque pasteles en el salvamanteles. Puede que tengas que colocar 3 moldes y apilar el cuarto encima.
Cocine en cocción manual / a presión (alta presión) durante 7 minutos. Si le gusta un centro menos pegajoso, aumente el tiempo a 8 minutos.
Cuando termine de cocinar, libere la presión (QR) con cuidado y retire los pasteles. Enfriar por 1 minuto.
Método Horno
Precaliente el horno a 425 ° F. Siga los pasos y prepare la masa de pastel de lava y divídala en moldes para moldes de silicona.
Coloque los pasteles en una bandeja para hornear y hornee durante 8-9 minutos si usa moldes de silicona, o 10-11 minutos si usa moldes, dependiendo de qué tan pegajoso quiera que esté el centro.
Lava cake, is a cake with a semi-moist center that has the effect of lava. This dessert is only lava the first minutes after leaving the oven, since over time the chocolate in the middle ends up lasting like a cake, so you will want to make and serve this dessert as soon as it leaves the oven.
Options to accompany this delicious lava cake can be a good vanilla ice cream or you can also accompany it with strawberries or red fruits.
8 tbsp unsalted butter softened, (1 stick)
Melt butter and chocolate chips in water bath or in the microwave in 30 second increments. It takes around 1 minute or a few seconds longer depending on the quantity you are using. Using a whisk, mix well till smooth.
Oven Recipe
Pre-heat oven to 425°F. Follow the steps and prepare the lava cake batter and divide in ramekins or silicone cupcake molds.
Place the cakes on a cookie sheet and bake for 8-9 minutes if using silicone molds, or 10-11 minutes if using ramekins, depending on how gooey you want the center to be.
Options to accompany this delicious lava cake can be a good vanilla ice cream or you can also accompany it with strawberries or red fruits.
8 tbsp unsalted butter softened, (1 stick)
1 cup Bitter-Sweet Chocolate Chips (8 ounces) or semi-sweet chocolate chips for sweeter results (I use Ghirardelli)
1 cup Confectioners Powdered Sugar : adjust to taste
2 egg
2 egg yolk
½ tsp Vanilla Extract (optional)
4 tbsp All Purpose Flour
1 cup Confectioners Powdered Sugar : adjust to taste
2 egg
2 egg yolk
½ tsp Vanilla Extract (optional)
4 tbsp All Purpose Flour
Melt butter and chocolate chips in water bath or in the microwave in 30 second increments. It takes around 1 minute or a few seconds longer depending on the quantity you are using. Using a whisk, mix well till smooth.
Sift in confectioners sugar and mix again. Add eggs, vainilla and mix again.
Sift in flour and whisk till everything is incorporated.
Using an ice-cream scoop, divide the batter in the greased ramekins (or silicone cupcake molds), leaving 1/4 inch space from the top.
Cook the lava cakes in an Instant Pot or Oven:
Instant Pot Method:
Put 1 cup water in the Inner pot of the Instant Pot (2 cups for 8 qt), and place a trivet with handles. Place cakes on the trivet. You might have to place 3 ramekins and stack the 4th one on top.
Cook on Manual/Pressure Cook (high pressure)for 7 minutes. If you like a less gooey center, increase time to 8 minutes.
When cooking is done carefully release pressure (QR), and remove the cakes. Cool for 1 minute.
Instant Pot Method:
Put 1 cup water in the Inner pot of the Instant Pot (2 cups for 8 qt), and place a trivet with handles. Place cakes on the trivet. You might have to place 3 ramekins and stack the 4th one on top.
Cook on Manual/Pressure Cook (high pressure)for 7 minutes. If you like a less gooey center, increase time to 8 minutes.
When cooking is done carefully release pressure (QR), and remove the cakes. Cool for 1 minute.
Oven Recipe
Pre-heat oven to 425°F. Follow the steps and prepare the lava cake batter and divide in ramekins or silicone cupcake molds.
Place the cakes on a cookie sheet and bake for 8-9 minutes if using silicone molds, or 10-11 minutes if using ramekins, depending on how gooey you want the center to be.
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